Industrial profits rose 6% between 2010 and 2012 in the city, much slower than during the boom years before the global financial crisis, but still in the plus column while the city makes its economic transformation. 2010年至2012年期间该市工业利润增长了6%,远低于全球金融危机前繁荣时期的增速,但在该市经济转型之际仍实现了正增长。
That changed with China's industrial boom. 随着中国工业的快速发展,情况发生了改变。
With the help of such measures, foreign investment in industrial sectors with high technology and high added-value, as well as the service industry, would witness a boom, Chen predicted. 陈德铭预计在国家相关政策的引导下,中国的高端技术和高附加值产业、服务业引资将呈现快速发展态势。
The metal is emblematic of the mid-20th century industrial boom. 铝是20世纪中叶工业繁荣的象征。
A newscast released today by CCTV discusses China's industrial design boom. 今天,CCTV的一条新闻探讨了中国工业设计的爆发。
As speculators and investors attract blame for driving up commodity costs, new research shows demand from industrial users has spurred a price boom in a range of metals. 人们指责投机者与投资者推高了大宗商品价格,但最新研究显示,刺激一系列金属价格飙升的原因,是来自工业用户的需求。
With its mining sector hampered by outdated technology and poor infrastructure, North Korea has welcomed approaches by Chinese companies hungry for resources to feed china's industrial boom. 朝鲜采矿业因其过时的技术与落后的基础设施而裹足不前,朝鲜欢迎中国的公司的投资,开采出的矿藏为中国的工业高速发展提供能量。
Friday's ceremony caps seven years of work that has reshaped Beijing and sets the seal on an industrial boom that has turned the country into the world's fourth largest economy. 星期五的开幕式是七年来改造北京的点睛之作。也充分展示了蓬勃向上的中国经济,如今中国的经济在世界已经排列第四。
An improbable Hungarian-Israeli American is an unsung force in the country's industrial boom 一位匈牙利&以色列血统美国人奇迹般地在背后推动着中国的产业繁荣
However, it has made timely strategic adjustments in its industrial structure, and thus realized its second economic boom. 但是,它适时地对自身的产业结构进行了战略性的调整,并据此实现了经济发展的再度复兴。这一过程对于上海的未来发展具有重要借鉴意义。
The American government complements the market deficiency through the implementation of relevant laws and economic policies which guarantees the stable operation of economy, while the Japanese government has played a leading role in taking advantage of industrial policies to promote its economic boom. 美国政府通过制定法律和经济政策弥补市场不足,保证其经济稳定运行;日本政府运用产业政策,在促进其经济起飞中发挥了主导作用。
In this period, industrial district, which is represented by the medium and small-sized enterprise cluster, plays a more and more important role in economic development. It becomes the dynamical system of upgrading regional competitiveness and the innovation headspring for driving region's boom. 这一期间,以中小企业集群为主要特征的专业化产业区,在经济发展中扮演越来越重要的角色,成为提升区域竞争力的动力系统,成为推动各地繁荣的创新源泉。
Building on synthesizing the theories of Industrial Analysis and Core Competence, this paper gives an analytical framework of the origin of enterprises 'competitive advantage, which is a general model of "Industrial Boom Strategic Position Core Competence". 本文在综合产业分析理论与核心能力理论的基础上,提出了一个分析企业竞争优势来源的动态架构,即产业景气战略群组核心能力这样一个一般分析范式。
Inspiration of Foreign Old Industrial Base's Boom for Three Northeastern Provinces Tourism Development 国外老工业基地的振兴对东三省旅游业发展的启示
The human civilization is in the transition from industrial boom to ecological conservation. 人类文明正处于从工业文明向生态文明的过渡。
It will undermine the healthy development of industrial economy, increase the risk of aggregate economic fluctuation, and cause recession after the boom. The change of Economic growth pattern has been impeded by the excess capacity; finally will reduce the quality and efficiency of economic growth. 产能过剩在短期和长期都会对经济造成一定的负面影响,破坏产业结构健康发展,加大总量经济波动的风险,引发繁荣后的衰退,妨碍经济增长方式的转变,降低经济增长的质量和效益。
With economic development and the acceleration of industrial upgrading, more and more high-tech industries trigger an upsurge of another round of technology boom, and drive new economic growth point, creating a wealth of another myth. 随着经济的发展,产业升级脚步的加快,越来越多的高新技术产业,引发了一轮又一轮科技热潮,并且拉动了新的经济增长点,创造了一个又一个的财富神话。
Developing the cultural industry is not only the inevitable requirement to upgrade Chinese industrial structure and develop the socialist market economy, but also serves as an important approach to boom socialist culture under the background of cultural system reform. 发展文化产业不仅是我国产业结构升级、发展社会主义市场经济的必然要求,在我国文化体制改革的背景下,也是繁荣社会主义文化的重要途径。